Little Otis And The Upsetters 1984 Luis Chaluisan Salsa Magazine-WEPAwebTV roughrican
One of the most exciting things that occurs in 2013 is the induction of our band Little Otis and The Upsetters into The Jerome Library. Our group introduces Live Reggae/Ska/Salsa/Rap/Jazz Funk in Northwest Ohio 1982-84.
Average age of band in 1983: 22
Ras Man Norman 19
Grant Friedrich-Drums 20
Phil Berg - Saxophone/Flute 23
Stan Middleton-Trombone 21
Ron Wagner-Bass 27
Billy Hanway-Guitar 21
Timbo - Harp 18
Luis Chaluisan (Little Otis) Vocals/Conga 27
Presented by: Luis Chaluisan​ WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater​ WEPAwebTV Roughrican Productions​ Rocker Roller Rican vlɒɡ​ 2014 Recognition Awards​ Federico Chaluisan​ Maria Hernandez​ L.f. Chaluisan Batlle​ Editors WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater​ El Extreme Luis Chaluisan​
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