One of my poems from SPIC CHIC is going to be recorded as Latin Jazz Piece Luis Chaluisan Salsa
Just got word that one of my poems from SPIC CHIC is going to be recorded as Latin Jazz Piece. Ironic that I wrote it at the height of my gangster period in Hartford Connecticut in 1998. I was seeking a spiritual relief to get me out of "The Life." And now all these years later, it is acknowledged as a viable solution. Thank you God! Luis Chaluisan Presented by: WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater WEPAwebTV Roughrican Productions Rocker Roller Rican vlɒɡ 2014 Recognition Awards Federico Chaluisan L.f. Chaluisan Batlle Maria Hernandez EditorsWEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater El Extreme Luis Chaluisan
#DavidAmram #wepawebtv #DavidDupontSentinelTribune #MinoritypoetryinspirescalltoactionToledoBlade #ReverbNation #cafelousjanuary11 #BandsfindfanswanttorockonTimesUnion #EstaVidaBoricua #Nuyorican #salsamagazine #LYRICALVOICEOFTHECITYNYDailyNews #NuevaYorkInterviewmitdemTheatermacherIla #rockerrollerrican #MetrolandOnlineArtMurmur #elextreme #luischaluisan #luischaluisansprofileimdb #JazzComposerDavidAmramReflectsOnLuisChaluisan