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What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise Luis Chaluisan Salsa Magazine 7,70

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Pensamientos/Thoughts 19. What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.

Maintaining a web presence is no easy task. Salsa Magazine has warded off hostile takeovers, physical threats and a wave of fake profiles attempting to join in the last four years. At the same time, we have maintained a University level of information that emphasizes the value of the Latino community in the United State plus around the world. And it all began with the Salsa Awards in 2012.

Salsa recognitions orchestrated in BG Written by Sentinel-Tribune Thursday, 04 October 2012 08:44 When Salsa Magazine honored the top Latin music perfomers, it tapped resources in Bowling Green to do so. Local disc jockey and web TV pro ducer Luis Chaluisan with Maria Hernandez helped promote the competition. Using resources of WBGU FM and WEPAwebTV votes were tallied from around the world. More than two million votes were cast with Karibu El Son Del Caribe of Costa Rica bringing in almost 1.4 million to top the fan favorite list. The Puerto Rican band Orquesta Siglo XXI was a distant second with 632,835 votes. In all 290 acts received votes in the balloting which ended Aug. 31. The online magazine selected the top 40 performers for recognition. Performers came from both Latin American and North American, and included performers from Paris and Munich, Germany. When it came time to send out awards, Chaluisan, who lives in Bowling Green, contracted with Becky Laabs of art-a-site! in downtown to create the trophies. The awards were mailed out this week.

SALSAMAGAZINE.COM SALSA AWARDS 2012 OFFICIAL TOP FORTY FAN FAVORITES 1. KARIBU EL SON DEL CARIBE 1,389,275 Votes Costa Rica 2. ORQUESTA SIGLO XXI 632,835 Votes Cataño, PR 3. CONJUNTO PUERTO RICO 610,178 Votes Puerto Rico 4. TITO GUADALUPE 552,193 Votes Waterbury, Ct 5. TRINA MEDINA 527,583 Votes Caracas, Venezuela 6. SON DE TIKIZIA 521,734 Votes Costa Rica 7. HURACAN ORQUESTA 453,164 Votes Cali, Colombia 8. LA MAXIMA de MAXIMINO RIVERA 447,121 Votes PR 9. ORQUESTA ESPADA 369,153 Votes Hartford, Ct. 10 EDWIN PABON 331,833 Votes Boston, MA 11. ACHE SONORA 300,121 Votes Bogota, Colombia 12. CLERIKO SALSA 269,841 Votes Buenos Aires, Argentina 13. LEO D`BARRIO 233,127 Votes Cali, Colombia 14. URBANA SALSA CAPITAL 198,462 Votes Colombia 15. MICHAEL STUART 193,147 Votes San Juan, Puerto Rico 16. AMARYLLIS SANTIAGO 181,949 Votes Columbia, Pa 17. CHOCOLATE Y SU ORQUESTA 174,573 Votes Philadelphia 18. CARLOS JIMENEZ 173,860 Votes Yonkers NY 19. WITO COLON 171,956 Votes Puerto Rico 20. FANIA EVOLUTION 166,163 Votes Caracas, Venezuela 21. BAILATINO LA RESISTENCIA SALSERA 152,694 Votes 22. BORICUA LEGENDS 130,739 Votes New York, New York 23. ORQUESTA MADERA NUEVA 120,000 Votes Costa Rica 24. RAFAELITO Y SU TUMBAO 114,732 Votes Munich, Germany 25. ISMAEL MIRANDA 107,748 Votes Caguas, Puerto Rico 26. VICTOR MANUELLE 99,357 Votes Isabela, Puerto Rico 27. ERIK SANCHEZ Y SU ORQUESTA 98,121 Votes Costa Rica 28. JUNIOR GONZALEZ 91,572 + Votes Puerto Rico 29. SALSOCO 91,362 Ponce, Puerto Rico 30. DON PERIGNON 91,126 Votes Puerto Rico 31. TITO NIEVES 90,195 + Votes Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 32. COCOBLUE SALSA BAND 90,121 + Votes Bogota, Colombia 33. TEGO CALDERON 89,737 + Votes Santurce Puerto Rico 34. CHOCO ORTA 89,127 + Votes Brooklyn NY 35. CANO ESTREMERA 87,168 Votes San Juan, Puerto Rico 36. HERMAN OLIVERAS 86,964 Votes Florida, USA 37. TONY TAHE 81,323 Votes Paris, France 38. CONJUNTO IMAGEN 79,189 + Votes N Y NY 39. FAJARDO Jr Y SU ORQUESTA 79,161 Votes New Jersey 40. CONJUNTO CLASICO 77,371 Votes New York, New York

COMPLETE LIST OF FINAL VOTES IN SALSAMAGAZINE.COM SALSA AWARDS 2012 Voting Was Held June 6, 2012-August 31 2012 1. 3ball MTY 26,484 Votes 2. 3D Ritmo de Vida 20,890 Votes 3. 8 Y Mas 35,929 Votes 4. ACHE SONORA 300,121 Votes 5. ADRIAN CISNEROS 37,386 Votes 6. ADRIEL GONZALEZ 18,207 Votes 7. AFINCA'O 26,375 Votes 8. ALBERTO BARROS 38,686 Votes 9. ALEJANDRO Y SUS ONIX 23,850 Votes 10. ALEX DIABLOSON 60,596 Votes 11. ALFONSO GUERRERO Y SU ORQUESTA 16,593 Votes 12. ALVARO GRANOBLES 41,694 Votes 13. AMARYLLIS SANTIAGO 181,949 Votes 14. ANDY CAICEDO 22,859 Votes 15. ANNETTE CARRION 28,885 Votes 16. ARLEY & SU PROYECTO K-LIBRE 118,54 Votes 17. AZUCAR NEGRA 49,596 Votes 18. BAILATINO LA RESISTENCIA SALSERA 152,694 Votes 19. BAILONGO 19,643 Votes 20. BARBARO FINES Y SU ORQUESTA MAYIMBE 49,498 Votes 21. BEATRIZ LOPEZ Y ACHEVEREDE CUBA 27,958 Votes 22. BENICIA 19,760 Votes 23. BERNARDO QUESADA Y RUMBA JAM 30,704 Votes 24. BILLY CARRION 43,807 Votes 25. BIO RITMO 43,642 Votes 26. BLOQUE 53 21,840 Votes 27. BOBBY RIVAS 56,937 Votes 28. BORICUA LEGENDS 130,739 Votes 29. BORY PA 26,866 Votes 30. BRIAN MICHAEL 8,943 Votes 31. BUIKA NEW AFRO SPANISH GENERATION 36,121 Votes 32. BUITRAGO 13,057 Votes 33. CALAMBUCO 38,121 Votes 34. CALLE 13 43,958 Votes 35. CANO ESTREMERA 87,168 Votes 36. CARLITOS ROMERO 14,697 Votes 37. CARLOS CASCANTE Y SU TUMBAO 25,378 Votes 38. CARLOS D'CASTRO 37,967 Votes 39. CARLOS JIMENEZ 173,860 Votes 40. CARLOS KALUNGA 14,987 Votes 41. CARLOS MOJICA & SONIDO CRIMINAL 5,131 Votes 42. CARLOS PENA Y SU SALSA SWING 5,554 Votes 43. CARLOS POLO 22,962 Votes 44. CARLOS ROSARIO 33,849 Votes 45. CAROLINA LA O 11,121 Votes 46. CASIMIRO RODRIGUEZ 52,967 Votes 47. CHARANGOA 32,332 Votes 48. CHINO RAMOS Y SU ORQUESTA 30,843 Votes 49. CHOCO ORTA 89,127 Votes 50. CHOCOLATE Y SU ORQUESTA 174,573 Votes 51. CHOCQUIBTOWN 37,482 Votes 52. CINDY BRADLEY 27,312 Votes 53. CITA RODRIGUEZ 28,000 Votes 54. CLANDESKINA ORQUESTA 34,000 Votes 55. CLERIKO SALSA 269,841 Votes 56. COCOBLUE SALSA BAND 90,121 Votes 57. CONCEPTO SABOR 15,196 Votes 58. CONJUNTO CLASICO 77,371 Votes 59. CONJUNTO IMAGEN 79,189 Votes 60. CONJUNTO IMPACTO 33,121 Votes 61. CONJUNTO PUERTO RICO 610,178 Votes 62. COSA NUESTRA DE TITO MANRIQUE 15,783 Votes 63. CRISTIAN GONZALEZ Y ORQUESTA BOHEMIA 32,471 Votes 64. CUBANOSON 41,174 Votes 65. DAVID MURRAY CUBAN ENSEMBLE 44,375 Votes 66. DIANA 12,185 Votes 67. DISLOCADOS 22,638 Votes 68. DON PERIGNON Y LA PUERTORRIQUENA 91,126 Votes 69. DS THE EVOLUTION 26,793 Votes 70. E'REAL 26,759 + 15,300 Votes 72. EDGARD NEVAREZ 21,000 Votes 73. EDWIN PABON 331,833 Votes 74. EDWIN RIVERA 18,452 Votes 75. EL CHACAL 13,946 Votes 76. EL MAESTRO SEDA 43,687 Votes 77. EL NORO Y LA TRIBU 25,121 Votes 78. ELAINE ELIAS 17,881 Votes 79. ELENA PEACH 13,893 Votes 80. ESPERANZA SALSA 13,073 Votes 81. EVA AYLLON 37,732 Votes 82. FABIAN ALMAZAN TRIO 21,273 Votes 83. FABIAN TORRES 36,194 Votes 84. FABIO GIANNI & LATIN SOUND MACHINE 17,333 Votes 85. FAJARDO JR. Y SU ORQUESTA 79,161 Votes 86. FANIA EVOLUTION 166,163 Votes 87. FERNANDO CALLE Y LA ORQUESTA LA LLAVE 16,837 Votes 88. FLAVIO SANGUINETTI 13,285 Votes 89. FRANKIE MORALES 38,158 Votes 90. FRANKIE RUIZ JR 64,127 Votes 91. FRANKIE VASQUEZ 26,195 Votes 92. FRANKLIN VELOZ 12,738 Votes 93. FROYBER´S CALIBRE ORQUESTA 16,636 Votes 94. GABO F. SALSA 19,174 Votes 95. GAITANES 21,267 Votes 96. GERLEY 19,111 Votes 97. GONZALO Y LOS PRINCIPES DE LA SALSA 12,932 Votes 98. GRUPO ARCANO 22,852 Votes 99. GRUPO BAKKAN 42,953 Votes 100. GRUPO MANGO 16,131 Votes 101. GRUPO SALSAFON 34,538 Votes 102. H.M.A SALSA JAZZ ORCHESTRA 25,121 Votes 103. HAROLD SAA 37,957 Votes 104. HENRY SANTOS 47,942 Votes 105. HERENCIA SALSERA 34,153 Votes 106. HERMAN OLIVERA 86,964 Votes 107. HURACAN ORQUESTA 453,164 Votes 108. ISMAEL MIRANDA 107,748 Votes 109. ISSAC DELGADO 28,125 Votes 110. JAIME ANDRES GOMEZ 12,867 Votes 111. JENNY COLON 20,132 Votes 112. JERRY GONZALEZ Y LOS COMANDOS DE LA CLAVE 39,836 Votes 113. JESUS "CHUTI" SERRANO 21,848 Votes 114. JHON SILVA 33,936 Votes 115. JIMMY SAA 52,741 Votes 116. JOE COLLADO 35,927 Votes 117. JOHNNY RAY 49,335 Votes 118. JOHNNY RIVERA 31,936 Votes 119. JOHNNY ROJAS 22,752 Votes 120. JOSE LUGO Y GUASABARA 16,067 Votes 121. JOSE LUIS ORDI 3,141 Votes 122. JOSE PIPO PENALVER 31,627 Votes 123. JOSE RAUL "LIPS" MORALES 62,842 Votes 124. JUAN LUIS GUERRA 37,373 Votes 125. JUNIOR GONZALEZ 91,572 Votes 126. JUNIOR JEIN 12,119 Votes 127. KARIBU EL SON DEL CARIBE 1,389,275 Votes 128. KEVIN CEBALLO 26,131 Votes 129. LA 33 26,131 Votes 130. LA CAMERATA ROMEU 15,193 Votes 131. LA CHARANGA HABANBERA 19,121 Votes 132. LA CHARANGA MODERNA CANTA WILLITO OTERO 36,174 Votes 133. LA EXCELENCIA 16,736 Votes 134. LA FIEBRE 18,173 Votes 135. LA JOYCE 16,121 Votes 136. LA MAS ORQUESTA 43,151 Votes 137. LA MAXIMA de MAXIMINO RIVERA 447,121 Votes 138. LA NEGRAMENTA 15,121 Votes 139. LA SALSERA SOL 37,473 Votes 140. LA SONORA LIBRE 17,912 Votes 141. LA SUCURSAL SA 16,001 Votes 142. LA ZONA 31,423 Votes 143. LEO D`BARRIO 233,127 Votes 144. LETTY SANDOVAL 13,000 Votes 145. LISANDRO TORRES Y SU ORQUESTA 43,123 Votes 146. LISETT MORALES LA MULATA DEL SABOR 61,937 Votes 147. LOS CHARLY'S ORCHESTRA 3,392 Votes 148. LOS CONQUISTADORES DE LA SALSA 22,127 Votes 149. LOS HERMANOS LOVO 42,111 Votes 150. LOS MUERTOS DE SIEMPRE 23,728 Votes 151. LOS VIGILANTES 13,173 Votes 152. LOWER EAST SALSA 15,128 Votes 153. LUCIA PULIDO 15,741 Votes 154. LUCKY 7 MAMBO 26,573 Votes 155. LUCRECIA 55,374 Votes 156. LUIS DISLA 24,264 Votes 157. LUIS ENRIQUE 32,927 Votes 158. LUIS GARCIA Y SU FRENTE UNIDO 14,146 Votes 159. LUIS GONZALEZ Y SU ORQUESTA 56,538 Votes 160. LUISITO CARRION 77,173 Votes 161. MAITE HONTELE 55,317 Votes 162. MAMBO LEGENDS ORCHESTRA 54,173 Votes 163. MARIANO CÍVICO 17,231 Votes 164. MARINA HEREDIA 14,831 Votes 165. MARK & NANDY 51,294 Votes 166. MARK WEINSTEIN 55,942 Votes 167. MARLOW ROSADO 44,836 Votes 168. MATOTUMBA 52,138 Votes 169. MAURO CASTILLO 37,428 Votes 170. MELENA LA RUMBERA 13,159 Votes 171. MERCADONEGRO 46,193 Votes 172. MICHAEL MOSSMAN 29,426 Votes 173. MICHAEL STUART 193,147 Votes 174. MICHEL MAZA 22,572 Votes 175. MICHELLE BRAVA 41,637 Votes 176. MIGUEL ADORN 22,936 Votes 177. MIGUEL MARTINEZ AND CORAZON SUR 14,131 Votes 178. MIGUELITO LAMORTÉ & THE CHINO NUÑEZ ORCHESTRA 4,137 Votes 179. MIKATA 1,000 Votes 15,146 Votes 180. MILES PEÑA 44,723 Votes 181. MIMI IBARRA 30,485 Votes 182. MOISE GONZALEZ 17,131 Votes 183. N SAMBLE 14,736 Votes 184. NAYIBE LA GITANA 35,273 Votes 185. NEGROSON ORQUESTA 13,384 Votes 186. NELSON BELLO & THE CT LATIN JAZZ PROJECT 32,736 Votes 187. NESTOR PACHECO Y LA GUATACA 24,121 Votes 188. NESTOR TORRES 48,163 Votes 189. NG LA BANDA FEAT CUBAN STARS 18,134 Votes 190. OCOTE SOUL SOUNDS 20,173 Votes 191. ORESTES VILATO 69,162 Votes ? 192. ORLANDO ORTIZ 14,158 Votes 193. ORQUESTA AFINKE 12,628 Votes 194. ORQUESTA CHEKERE 20,485 Votes 195. ORQUESTA CLANDESTINA 22,152 Votes 196. ORQUESTA D'CACHE 68,321 Votes ? 197. ORQUESTA DYNNASTIA 15,134 Votes 198. ORQUESTA EL MACABEO 55,145 Votes 199. ORQUESTA ESPADA 369,153 Votes 200. ORQUESTA GALANTE 12,375 Votes 201. ORQUESTA INMENSIDAD 15,163 Votes 202. ORQUESTA LA CRITICA 9,131 Votes 203. ORQUESTA LA GUATEKERA 30,127 Votes 204. ORQUESTA LA SOLUCION 66,173 Votes 205. ORQUESTA LOS SOPRANOS 17,173 Votes 206. ORQUESTA MADERA NUEVA 121,664 Votes 207. ORQUESTA NELSON CANDELA 22,173 Votes 208. ORQUESTA OPA OPA 74,163 Votes 209. ORQUESTA SALSA RUMBA 26,152 Votes 210. ORQUESTA SIGLO XXI 632,835 Votes 211. ORQUESTA SON CANNEY 13,916 Votes 212. OSVIL 32,142 Votes 213. PAPAGOFIO JR. Y SU PODER 53,825 Votes 214. PAULO FG 31,163 Votes 215. PEDRITO CALVO JUNIOR 12,737 Votes 216. PELUSA & LA BANDA CARAMBA 51,316 Votes 217. PEPE Y SU ORQUESTA 22,274 Votes 218. PEQUEÑO JOHNNY Y EL CARTEL 8,119 Votes 219. PIBO MARQUEZ Y SU DESCARGA CRIOLLA 19,164 Votes 220. PORFI BALOA 24,152 Votes 221. PRINCE ROYCE 45,123 Votes 222. QUANTIC & ALICE RUSSELL WITH THE COMBO BÁRBARO 22,172 Votes 223. RAFA PEREZ 29,634 Votes 224. RAFAEL DE JESUS 55,923 Votes 225. RAFAELITO Y SU TUMBAO 114,732 Votes 226. RAFI MARRERO Y SU ORQUESTA 14,128 Votes 227. RAFY NIEVES 13,173 Votes 228. RALPH IRIZARRY & LOS VIEJOS DE LA SALSA 27,163 Votes 229. RANDY PLAZA 54,127 Votes 230. RAQUEL ZOZAYA 8,173 Votes 231. RAY CARRION LATIN JAZZ ALL STARS 13,123 Votes 232. RAY GONZALEZ Y SU ORQUESTA 51,213 Votes 233. RAY SANTANA 32,127 Votes 234. RENZO PADILLA 14,638 Votes 235. RICA OBSESION 9,163 Votes 236. RICHARD LÓPEZ 20,351 Votes 237. RICKY LUIS 44,834 Votes 238. RITA INDIANA 59,126 Votes 239. RITMO MACHINE (ERIC BOBO + LATIN BITMAN) 2,121 Votes 240. ROBERTO FONSECA 23,372 Votes 241. ROBERTO RONDENA (Roberto D'Milan) 42,263 Votes 242. ROBERTO SANTAMARIA 52,173 Votes 243. ROLANDO SANCHEZ 13,173 Votes 244. RON RENAISSANCE 42,926 Votes 245. RUMBANKETE 32,173 Votes 246. RUMBEROS DEL CALLEJON 29,373 Votes 247. SABOR Y CONTROL 14,737 Votes 248. SALSA CELTICA 33,121 Votes 249. SALSOCO 91,362 Votes 250. SAMMY GARCIA Y EL SABOR DE PUERTO RICO 42,426 Votes 251. SANCHEZ Y SU ORQUESTA (ERICK SANCHEZ) 98,121 Votes 252. SANTIAGO ALL STARS 26,019 Votes 253. SARGENTO GARCIA 32,073 Votes 254. SEGUIDA 12,836 Votes 255. SOLER-BARRERA MADAGASCAR TRIO 32,174 Votes 256. SON COMO SON 42,743 Votes 257. SON DE CALI 29,531 Votes 258. SON DE TIKIZIA 521,734 Votes 259. SON DEL PUEBLO 15,152 Votes 260. SONIDO URBANO 19,337 Votes 261. SONORA SANJUANERA 8,364 Votes 262. SUSIE HANSEN 44,126 Votes 263. TEGO CALDERON 89,737 Votes 264. TELMARY 32,163 Votes 265. THE PURGE EFFECT 42,527 Votes 266. TITO GUADALUPE 552,193 Votes 267. TITO MANRIQUE & COSA NUESTRA 32,437 Votes 268. TITO MURILLO & SU ORQUESTA 23,374 Votes 269. TITO NIEVES 90,195 Votes 270. TONY J MESSINA 17,845 Votes 271. TONY SUCCAR 58,975 Votes 272. TONY TAHE 81,323 Votes 273. TRINA MEDINA 527,583 Votes 274. TROMBORANGA ORQUESTA 6,164 Votes 275. TUMBAO CLASICO 22,737 Votes 276. URBANA SALSA CAPITAL 198,462 Votes 277. VICTOR MANUELLE 99,357 Votes 278. VILLARINY SALSA PROJECT 58,164 Votes 279. VIRGY 12,227 Votes 280. WILLIAMSBURG SALSA ORCHESTRA 28,163 Votes 281. WILLIE MUÑOZ Y SU ORQUESTA 26,163 Votes 282. WILLIE PANAMA 48,735 Votes 283. WILLY GARCIA 29,784 Votes 284. WILLY MENTO AND NETO SORPRESA 11,963 Votes 285. WIRO Y SABOR 12,634 Votes 286. WITO COLON 171,956 Votes 287. YACO 42,164 Votes 288. YOKO MIMATA 27,121 Votes 289. YUCID EL SOBRINO 12,945 Votes 290. YURE BUENAVENTURA 31,563 Votes

1. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Latin Jazz Group Papo Vazquez' Pirate Troubadors Papo Vazquez - Trombone,Leader,Composer Willie Williams - Saxes Rick Germanson - Piano Dezron Douglas - Bass Alvester Garnett - Drums Anthony Carrillo - Perc. Carlos Maldonado - Perc. 2. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Salsa/Latin Jazz Artist Andrea Brachfield Flutist 3. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Pacheco y Su Charanga Vol 1 (1960) Alegre Records 4. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Jimmy Sabater Joe Cuba Sextet Stepping Out (1962) Seeco 5. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Eddie Palmieri Y La Perfecta (1962) Alegre Records 6. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Ricardo Ray Arrives/Comejen (1964) Fonseca Records 7. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Bobby Vince Paunetto El Sonido Moderno (1964) 8. Salsa Awards Hall Of Fame 2012 Recording Lebron Brothers Salsa y Control (1970) Cotique 9. Mon Rivera "Lluvia con Nieve"/"Rain with Snow" (1964) Alegre Salsa Awards 2012 Hall Of Fame Recording 10. Salsa Awards 2012 Lifetime Achievement/Hall Of Fame "Sugar Coated" Andy Hernandez (COATI MUNDI)

Presented by WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater WEPAwebTV Roughrican Productions Rocker Roller Rican vlɒɡ 2014 Recognition Awards Federico Chaluisan Maria Hernandez EditorsWEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater Luis Chaluisan L.f. Chaluisan Batlle El Extreme Luis Chaluisan

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