Salsa Magazine is more than your average operation. It's a Family exposition from Mayaguez P.R.
Sanabria, Chaluisan, Chaluisant, Morales, Forestier, Batlle, Lamboy Medina.
Salsa Magazine Celebrating our Fourth Year in existence (February 11, 2011-Present.)
De David Forestier "Celebracion 40ta Aniversario de Nuestros Abuelos, Don Conrado Forestier Moye y Doña Providencia Chaluisant ( 1963 ) — with Nestor Torres, Evelyn Magaly Forestier-Pelltier, Providencia Chaluisant, David C. Forestier, Clara Forestier, Conrado Forestier - Moye, Evelyn Magaly Forestier-Pelletier, Clara Forestier and Clara Luisa Forestier ( Q.E.P.D. ). Enid Acosta Figueroa Luis Chaluisan esta foto viene del FB album de fotos de mi querido primo hermano David C. Forestier."